Gardening with wildlife in mind

Our gardens provide bees, insects and other wildlife with a home and this is increasingly important since our countryside seems to be taken over with new building. Bees are in trouble. Some believe that neonicotinoid chemicals are one reason for thier decline. However, providing a source of pollen that is free from these chemicals in your garden will help as well as giving you hours of watching time as they pollinate flowers in your garden.

Skipper, Gillingham.
Skipper butterfly, Gillingham.


If you are trying to grow food, fruit and herbs to eat, then bees and pollinators are essential. Flowers attract them in and you will also see butterflies. Caterpillars may cause some damage but they are fun to watch. If you need some help, get in touch. No garden too small!


Lettuce, broad beans, tomatoes grown in Medway. You won’t believe the difference in the taste!
