Made entirely from blue recycling bins supplied to all Medway residents, this was a swap shop for 6 weeks. People donated an article and then took one of their choice. Recycling par excellence!
Full Circle was born when Gillingham Library lost its only art gallery space in Gillingham Library.
Tina Lawlor Mottram advertised for artists to join a group to protest.
Local artists, environmental activists and poets gathered in March and then developed the idea to create a High Street at Christmas, decorated with art from recycled material. The project was awarded funding by: The Allan Willett Foundation, The Arts Council and the Co-operative Dividend Fund. Local recycling companies Skipaway and Cleanaway helped the artists to create some fantastic sculptures.
See Full Circle on YouTube here.
Community engagement was wonderful! We went into local schools to provide children with ideas for making stars from recycled waste. 1,000 people entered our art competition and judging took place at Sunlight Development Trust.
Artists in 2005 include Eimear Kavanagh, Alison Slater Williams, Catherine DeBont, Rafael Hortala Vallve, Deborah Beard, Mike Stocksley, Jamie McGowan from FOE, Jo Davis, Pat Cooper, Adam Price, Hazel Waghorn, Tina Lawlor Mottram and Lily and Chris White from Sunlight Development Trust. Paivi Seppala, Cllr Steve Kearney and many writers also contributed to art workshops held at Sunlight.

This very successful project encouraged local school children and adults to think about throwing away their rubbish! They made art from recycled materials… Artists visited Saxon Way school, Woodland Primary school and various children contributed artwork made into starts. Stars were displayed in shops all over the High Street, in the library and Tina made a Christmas tree entirely from recycled waste in green and red, constructed at Sunlight Centre.