For my published articles for Garden Beast, Garden Patch and VegPlotter please visit Press and Links for more details of published work
Short Stories and Poetry
Goodbye 2020: Strawberry Wine, Pandemic Time
Merche and the Secret Garden
5 x 5 – illustrated poem accepted for publication in April 2021.
Cover illustration for “Hag’s Well”, published Feb 2021.
Academic Articles for Fupress Irandesi, A Journal of Irish Studies, published in July 2021.
An Irish artist travels from Buenos Aires to Araxa
I travelled from Buenos Aires and my artist-writer in residency throughout Buenos Aires province and then to Brazil, going from Sao Paolo to a small town called Araxa, commenting on art, anthropology, history, food and food growing. I even visited a coffee farm.
Irish artist in Zona Imaginaria, Argentina shared the story of the Salmon of Knowledge
My article about my residency was shared in the Journal; Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 9:3, 2020.
The “Salmon of Knowledge” Shared with Children in Zona Imaginaria, San Fernando, Argentina.
Community News Correspondent, Medway Messenger for 2 years.
Publishing experience with Collins Publishers, HMSO, themomentisnow!
Book Reviews Leonard and Hungry Paul
Editing and Book Design
The Tree of Light; Working Creatively With Long-term Illness
Medway’s Little TreasuresA collection of children’s poetry edited, launched in Chatham Library.
Sunlight News
Design for Women Artists at Green Street
1901 Arts Club Club launch; Project Manager and Design of Invitation