Gardening Expert Writer, and Publishing Experience

For my published articles for Garden Beast, Garden Patch and VegPlotter please visit Press and Links for more details of published work

Short Stories and Poetry
Goodbye 2020: Strawberry Wine, Pandemic Time

Merche and the Secret Garden

5 x 5 – illustrated poem accepted for publication in April 2021.

Cover illustration for “Hag’s Well”, published Feb 2021.

Academic Articles for Fupress Irandesi, A Journal of Irish Studies, published in July 2021.
An Irish artist travels from Buenos Aires to Araxa
I travelled from Buenos Aires and my artist-writer in residency throughout Buenos Aires province and then to Brazil, going from Sao Paolo to a small town called Araxa, commenting on art, anthropology, history, food and food growing. I even visited a coffee farm.

Irish artist in Zona Imaginaria, Argentina shared the story of the Salmon of Knowledge
My article about my residency was shared in the Journal; Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 9:3, 2020.
The “Salmon of Knowledge” Shared with Children in Zona Imaginaria, San Fernando, Argentina.

Community News Correspondent, Medway Messenger for 2 years.

Publishing experience with Collins Publishers, HMSO, themomentisnow!

Book Reviews Leonard and Hungry Paul

Editing and Book Design

The Tree of Light; Working Creatively With Long-term Illness

Medway’s Little TreasuresA collection of children’s poetry edited, launched in Chatham Library.

Sunlight News

Design for Women Artists at Green Street

1901 Arts Club Club launch; Project Manager and Design of Invitation

Women Artists at Green Street