The title is taken from the 5 x 5 kilometre restriction from your home that was imposed during COVID-19 in Ireland. Fighting Words set a writing challenge called 5 x 5. Here is my piece, page 156-57 published in 5 x 5, Fighting Words, Ireland, 2022.
5 x 5. Tina Lawlor Mottram
A cluster of rust red catkins hang in 5s, criss-crossed February gorgeousness
5 leaved Brussel Sprout star, slightly too late for Christmas, joyous in its tardiness
Patterned umber-yellow stone five-digit hand on rain-soaked, rich brown soil
At least 25 year old stump, five times five lives destined for the firewood heap, drying in suspense
Rotting remains of 5 tideline pier stumps, rejoice in their daily outing, at turn of tide.