Full Circle. Artwork by Tina Lawlor Mottram.

Created from mounds of coloured rubbish, Phoenix Woman rises from the ashes! Displayed in the shopping mall outside the Co-op.

Phoenix Woman

Building on from my work in Inner City; Inner Soul the rainbow theme recurs, displayed in a shopping mall in Gillingham in December 2005. Working with so many children who were enthused by using any materials they could, I collected my waste with great delight, using choice pieces of leftover wire from Skipaway sites in addition to bags of items left by well-wishers for artists to use. Built from “rubbish” she survived a month on display in a mall filled with colour provided by the artists. Defiantly staring down teenage cyclists, indifferent adult smokers, older people sitting for a rest who were all enouraged to leave any comments they wished in a guestbook, the artists enjoyed spending time in the mall. In fact, many of the shcoolchildren we had met introduced us to their parents.

Chicchan: Celestial Serpent in Maya. Inspired by Maya sculpture and Codices, this snake was created from tin can lids and a variety of "waste" and mounted in a shopping mall for shoppers to view.
Chicchan: Celestial Serpent in Maya. Inspired by Maya sculpture and Codices, this snake was created from tin can lids and a variety of “waste” and mounted in a shopping mall for shoppers to view.

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