Irish Migration Studies in Latin America Issue 9:3.
IMSLA Special Issue 2020 “History, Art, Image”
* Chapter 3: Tina Lawlor Mottram, “‘The Salmon of Knowledge’ shared with children in Zona Imaginaria, San Fernando, Argentina”
Argentina has the fifth largest Irish community worldwide and in 2018, Tina Lawlor Mottram became the first Irish artist-in-residence in Zona Imaginaria in San Fernando, Buenos Aires province. This not-for-profit arts centre, founded by artist Lucrecia Urbano, offers free creative workshops to local children in an area better known for the infamous El muro de la verguënza proposed by local Mayor, Gustavo Posse in 2009. The Cartonera style book created during this residency was illustrated by local children and the artist, incorporating The Salmon of Knowledge, Mariana (an Argentinian storyteller) and a local dog. “Patterns for Peace”, Tina’s subsequent exhibition at the Royal Engineers Museum interprets Buenos Aires and the “Black Madonna” from La Plata and Brazil. This paper explores the use of artistic endeavours to increase the Cultural Capital of lives in underprivileged areas, including how a residency transforms an artist’s direction.
* This link allows you to search within the issue – it is full of interesting articles concerning Latin America and Irish connections:
* This link brings up the issue in its entirety:IMSLA Oct 2020 Issue 9:3
SLAS: Society for Latin American Studies; Paper read (see panel 42) in April 2019: Us and Them
SLAS conference 2019. Paper presented at Society for Latin American Studies, 2019. University of Leicester, 2019.